Reopening our doors in:

22 November:

We’re Not Finished: Rebuilding Asylum for the Community

Asylum Community,

Its been a few weeks and we wanted to update everyone on where we are, and what the next steps are for Asylum. We have kept you all in the dark, a mistake that we will not make again.  When we bought the server we had a plan, step one of which was to make a fully functioning S1 domination event, after having satisfied cartel fighters for a little bit we would turn to the civilian population to continue to develop for the RP side of asylum.

That didn't happen, we patched on a Sunday night to get Domination and a few other events out to you guys. We proceeded to get DDOSed for a week straight. We ended up sidetracked trying to get the server to a more secure position. Every time we gained traction, we would be DDOSed. We then turned our focus back to Domination, fixing a number of bugs that were missed during testing. We then were faced with another problem. A series of now-former staff members(No not Vortex, Hunter and Louie for all of you dm'ing them lmao) attempted to ruin the community and attempted to dox and harass more and more of our staff members in an effort to run them off. These are the same staff members who have volunteered their time and effort for years, and have stuck with us even through this administration change.

This isn’t meant as an excuse, but rather an explanation as to why development has been slow, why communication has been lacking. We have been trying to stop the bleeding on the backend, which has caused us to fall short on the front end.  

This is our plan, to you our community members, of what we are going to do and when we are going to do it:

Fundamental change in direction: Our focus is returning to where it has not been for years, at the civilian and RP population. We are working on ideas like vehicle insurance, a sheriff system, reworking drug fields and money making methods in general, refreshing dated and hard to use UI’s, a prestige system to unlock exclusive titles and rewards, a rework of the tutorial to better guide new players in the right direction, an in-game warning system for minor rule violations and more that centers around the roleplay and community aspect of Asylum.

After careful deliberation and discussing it with the team we have also decided it is in the playerbases best interest to conduct a merge of the V2 and the V3 databases (not housing) to best suit our playerbase and respect the time they have spent on the server for the last 10+ years.

While we will be primarily focusing on the roleplay and community aspect, combat will not be forgotten with the release of the improved S1 domination and a new federal event. We will also be releasing a special version of S1 domination with more details following soon.

To bring this vision to life, we need time. We are not satisfied with the current state of the server and it doesn’t reflect the quality or experience we want to provide. Therefore, we’ve decided to temporarily lock the server to focus entirely on its overhaul. Our target for a big release that will finally be worthy of being called “V3” is November 22nd, and during this downtime, we will provide regular updates via Discord and the forums to keep everyone informed on our progress. 

We understand that asking for your trust now might feel like a tall order, especially after everything that’s happened and our failure to follow up on on certain commitments. We’re not asking for blind faith, but we are asking for a chance. We’re just people trying to make Asylum the place we all know it can be.

This place is not done yet.


© Gaming-Asylum 2024